Simon and Garfunkel recorded the powerful “Sounds of Silence” in 1964. Writing this I learned the group Disturbed did a version of it a few years back.

On a recent hike in Death Valley I experienced a deafening quiet. No noise, just silence. Check out this short video https://youtu.be/aA3iY8vpFdY to see and hear it for yourself while I comment on how valuable such moments are in our increasingly noisy and device filled world.

Leaders must find the time to think. For the past few months, totally in react mode, most of us have been working IN the business but you need to find time to work ON the business. Also need to find time to recharge your batteries. The economy is not likely to recover quickly and even if it does are you ready for it. Your people are worn out. So are you.

Find time to recharge and then to think…..


Wally Adamchik


Developing Construction Leaders is What We Do.

Keynotes, Live Workshops, Interavtive Virtual Learning & Personal One-On-One Coaching.

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There is no question that people are profoundly affected by the major events that occur in their lifetime. People who lived through the Great Depression have different tendencies than those who did not; those who grew up during the Vietnam War have a different outlook than those born postwar. It is to be expected that modern-day society will be shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Edwin Fisher, a professor of health behavior at the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill remarks.

Because it’s ubiquitous, because it’s everywhere, because it hits us 24/7, we tend to lose track of the effects of COVID on our daily lives, mood and consciousness



Wally Adamchik


Developing Construction Leaders is What We Do.

Keynotes, Live Workshops, Interavtive Virtual Learning & Personal One-On-One Coaching.

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I was talking with a speaker buddy of mine who works in venture capital (he makes a lot more money than I do…) and he remarked that times of chaos are times of opportunity and he is seeing heavy deal flow and activity.

I just read in Construction Dive that 83% of respondents have seen civil projects delayed or halted due to coronavirus-related funding challenges. But 39% have seen projects accelerate. No matter your perspective, backlogs for 2021 are in question and it will be a competitive market.

Is this the time of opportunity for you? Clearly the answer is yes! This is absolutely a time to invest in your business. Not throw money at it..Invest.

How can you improve your use of the tech tools and software you already have? Will you?

How can you improve the capacity of your emerging leaders or your executive team? Will you? Our work coaching people is getting pretty popular. It has a high payoff over the long term and does not take people off line from production. It is not cheap but the ROI is huge.

The battle for market share and the bottom-line must be fought on the process and the people side. Gaining leverage on both sides is important. Yes, I am a people guy but it is people who work the processes.

Start a book club, start a breakfast club, a mentoring program, a new online training program. It need not all be in the same room like the good old days…although there is no substitute for that experience, we can come close. What about small cross-functional process improvement teams to update and refine those processes that, when followed, insure you make money.

This is not the time to sit still and hope for better. Yes, we must all endure these times (and we have no idea how long this will last) but that does not mean do nothing. It means be smart, invest, aggressive when need be and conservative where need be. Nothing wrong with patience. Everything wrong with inaction.

As an essential industry construction has been a bit insulated from the economic carnage. That has been a gift really to get ready for the next year. Too many contractors have been thankful to be able to work, made a few cuts, have a contingency plan to cut a bit more and no plan for improving the business.

Some are making the investments that will payoff huge in the coming years.

Who will you be?


Wally Adamchik


Developing Construction Leaders is What We Do.

Keynotes, Live Workshops, Interavtive Virtual Learning & Personal One-On-One Coaching.

Learn MoreContact Us Today


I had some free time and did a bit of hiking…and thinking….check out this short video I created from the lowest point in the western hemisphere where I talk about being negative or positive… https://youtu.be/1mZbhGT1Hfw

and after you watch that, check out the nearly 50 other videos on construction leadership on my You Tube Channel.


Wally Adamchik


Developing Construction Leaders is What We Do.

Keynotes, Live Workshops, Interavtive Virtual Learning & Personal One-On-One Coaching.

Learn MoreContact Us Today


Noted construction and materials speaker Randy Goruk invited me to his podcast and we talked for about 30 minutes!

https://lnkd.in/gQ_TyGM here is the link….



Wally Adamchik


Developing Construction Leaders is What We Do.

Keynotes, Live Workshops, Interavtive Virtual Learning & Personal One-On-One Coaching.

Learn MoreContact Us Today


As we settle in for the long haul fighting the pandemic many have gotten complacent with the new normal. The immediate fight for cash and safety was fought and now the long slog to protect backlog into next year begins.

People are digging in. It is like World War One. Static, a war of attrition and endurance.

WRONG – Now is the time for creativity and innovation. It is time for fast strike, commando action. This requires you to engage your people in ways you have never done so.

Ambiguity is real and it shuts people down. Recognize this and figure out ways to be better at what you do…and there are plenty….

For the sake of your business and the people you lead and employ, get creative.

Said the man who now has a complete video studio in his basement.

Developing Construction Leaders is What We Do.

Keynotes, Live Workshops, Interavtive Virtual Learning & Personal One-On-One Coaching.

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OK, I know the answer is no….

I traveled this past week and it was a fascinating opportunity to view risk tolerance in action.

Some people have a paper thin mask and it is more a chin strap. Others had a multi-layer mask, AND a face shield and gloves. These would be the people sanitizing their airplane seat before they sat down.

Your employees are the same. They do not have the same tolerance that you do. Some may have more, some less, and you need to be in tune with that. We are finding this to be very important these days.

This is a key element of emotional intelligence that has not gotten a lot of ink.

EQ is about more than empathy.


Wally Adamchik


Developing Construction Leaders is What We Do.

Keynotes, Live Workshops, Interavtive Virtual Learning & Personal One-On-One Coaching.

Learn MoreContact Us Today


Just saw they cancelled the NC State Fair in October AND the Raleigh Christmas Parade.

In other words, there is little optimism that this freaking COVID thing will have improved much in the next 5 months.

Beyond depressing, this is a major wake up call.

Wake up and do TWO things if you have not done them already

FIRST, get training scheduled. MANY contractors put all that on hold for the past few months and are now moving forward. This compressed schedule with more demand will put trainer availability at a premium. I don’t care what you commit to – live or virtual – or live with a virtual back up but time is running shorter than you think. Couple this demand with the usual off-season demand and you may be left out.

Second, time for some serious scenario planning. Gather your leadership team for this exercise

COVID-19 Becomes the new normal!

Imagine a future where no vaccine is effective against COVID and the virus presents a new threat to everyday life.

  1. How do we differentiate ourselves as a contractor better suited to successfully build projects in this new age than our competitors?
  2. What changes in your everyday personal life and work life are needed to protect yourself, your family and your employees physically and mentally healthy in these new conditions?

Hope is not a method and people are your best profit strategy. What will you do to move forward.

Developing Construction Leaders is What We Do.

Keynotes, Live Workshops, Interavtive Virtual Learning & Personal One-On-One Coaching.

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Wally has a new certification!

In addition to being a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) and a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), he is now a Certified Virtual Presenter (CVP). By now you are wondering what that all means.

It means he is continuing to work on his craft to elevate his skills to deliver superior content and superior delivery to your people. Online may be simple but it isn’t easy. Your people are one browser tab away from anything else – so the content and delivery must be compelling to keep them engaged. Polls, breakout rooms, application sharing, digital whiteboards and post program application for reinforcement are all things you should be looking for.

What is your plan for developing your people in the face of COVID?

Contractors are making decisions now for winter training. Don’t miss the boat.

Developing Construction Leaders is What We Do.

Keynotes, Live Workshops, Interavtive Virtual Learning & Personal One-On-One Coaching.

Learn MoreContact Us Today


Every year various business journals and consulting firms have their Top places to work contests. While the details may vary, a bit, the general thrust is the same.

Do you ever wonder what it takes to be one of the best places to work in the country. Specifically, what does it take to be a top contractor to work for? Stop wondering. I found out.

I have interviewed ten of these firms over the past few weeks and have more on the schedule to talk to. The first two of these conversations are on YouTube now. More to come.

A few hints for you and we will go deep in the coming months.

Great culture is not an accident. It takes work

Family feel.

Clear values with leaders who walk the talk


Bench strength – which is a lot easier when people don’t leave

And the payoff? Is this effort worth it? People stay. They get better and safer at what they do and that flows to the bottom-line.

People are your best profit strategy.

Developing Construction Leaders is What We Do.

Keynotes, Live Workshops, Interavtive Virtual Learning & Personal One-On-One Coaching.

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