Are you a righty or lefty?

Are you a left or a righty? I know, it is a stupid question unless I am renting you a baseball glove. You don’t even have to think about it. If I ask you what is your communication style you cannot answer. But you do have a style. It is a default. You don’t think about it and you lack the self-awareness and vocabulary to answer the question with the certainty you do the lefty/right question. But just as you react when I throw you a ball, you react when someone talks to you. The goal here is move from react to response. The difference is a millisecond or two all enabled by taking a deep breath.

If you took a personality assessment of any kind in the past five years and you cannot remember what you are, you cheated yourself and wasted time and money. I hate it when I talk with people who cannot remember

Self-awareness is a key to future success. The more you get to know you the more you can leverage what you do well and avoid what you do poorly. I hate to deal with my weaknesses and flaws but by knowing them I can be more effective.

SO, if you took an assessment in the past few years – dig it up, dust it off, read it. How is all that working for you and what can you do better as a result of what you read


Wally Adamchik


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